

Work With Me

Your work matters. So do YOU.

Do you ever feel like:
- You’re stretched too thin, even teetering on the edge of burnout?
- You’re achieving everything else at the expense of your health and spirit?
- You’re neglecting what’s most important - like spending time with your loved ones?
- You’re relentlessly checking off tasks - instead of living your real life?

Let me help you with that.

I’m here to help you focus on what’s truly important to you. To care for your health. To fuel your body with nourishing food. To move your body in a way that feels good. To enjoy your family. To resolve the issues that are keeping you stuck. To feel better.

This work is not prescriptive or another temporary fix. We figure out how your patterns get in the way of what you long for, what matters to you, and who you truly want to be. Through true understanding of the issues that are holding you back, you make meaningful progress on your goals.

I spend my days talking to people about the most intense, painful, frustrating and wonderful parts of their lives. Come as you are. Tears and laughter are equally welcome. I can’t wait to meet you.

You know you want to get healthy …but you keep putting everyone else’s needs before your own.

You want to stop mindlessly scrolling on your phone … but you’re just so damn tired.

Reduce stress they say…have they got any idea what’s going on in my life??

You’re tired of being tired …but staying up watching Netflix still seems like a good idea.

You want to move through the world with confidence and grace …but that meeting just brought up all your insecurities.

You want to be a good parent and role model for your kids …but heavens, does it have to be so challenging?

You want to be present and enjoy life more …but you so rarely feel like you're doing enough.

Topics I Coach On

Everything is connected, that’s why most clients need to work on several different aspects of their life to get the results they want. Topics I can help you with include:


Focus on what matters most. Stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling in control. Get through your work with less procrastination and more ease.

Habit Creation

Get better at showing up for yourself without getting derailed. If you eat or drink more than you’d like, I can help with that.


Improve relationships that are creating stress for you and create more of what you want (yes, you can).


Feel more capable, patient, and intentional so that you can show up for your kids and enjoy them more.


Change the way you think about stressors and navigate complex work issues so that you feel more relaxed and fulfilled in your job again.

Self Confidence

Tackle critical self-talk, perfectionism, insecurity, and imposter syndrome. Figure out the ways you’re holding yourself back.


Work with your emotions so that you feel more of a sense of agency and are not blown off course by storms. Become more compassionate and kind with yourself.


Cultivate more joy and contentment in the actual life that you have. We could all use a little more joy, no?

" Coaching is the practice of revealing to a person the best version of themselves and uncovering beliefs that interfere with their ability to perform at that level."

- Kris Plachy

"The spoken word, I had come to realise, could be as delicate and important as any physical intervention, and sometimes equally life-changing."

- Dr Rachel Clarke

“You will learn a lot about yourself if you stretch in the direction of goodness, of bigness, of kindness, of forgiveness, of emotional bravery.”

- Cheryl Strayed

“The truth is humbling, terrifying, and often exhilarating. It blows the doors off the hinges and fills the world with fresh air.”

- Augusten Burrows

“Perhaps it’s true that things can change in a day. That a few dozen hours can affect the outcome of whole lifetimes.”

- Arundhati Roy

"If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned this: a question is a powerful thing, a mighty use of words… There is something redemptive and life-giving about asking a better question.”

- Krista Tippett

“Always remember you matter, you’re important and you are loved, and you bring to this world things no one else can.”

- Charlie Mackesy

“One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own.”

- John O'Donohue

Work With Me

Do You Coach Privately?

Yes. I work exclusively 1:1 because I love the depth and continuity it offers. I do not offer group sessions at this time.

What's The Format?

We’ll meet weekly via Zoom. All you need is a stable internet connection. Sign up for a single session or a package - we’ll design the structure around your needs.

Are You Taking New Clients?

I coach a limited number of private clients at any time. Please contact me to check on availability.

What Are Your Fees?

I aim to keep coaching affordable, please reach out for my latest prices.

Hello. I'm Emma

I’m a professional life coach trained by some of the very best - Bev Aron, Brooke Castillo, Katie Pulsifer and Dr Katrina Ubell, MD.

Before coaching, I worked for 20 years in research/consulting as a Director for firms like Ipsos, Kantar, and The Wall Street Journal. I graduated from the Life Coach School in 2019 and have been working as a full time coach ever since.

I’ve coached over 5,000 sessions. Volume matters, because that’s where good coaches build expertise.

Alongside private coaching, I write and teach. This is deep, reflective work that informs my coaching.

I have a diploma in Counseling from the College of Holistic Counseling in Sydney and am a qualified Inner Voice Facilitator. I’m building my practice based on nothing but great coaching and great service.

I’m so glad you’re here.

Get In Touch

Have a question about private coaching ? Please use this contact form or email me directly at:
